#53: Skip 5 meals in a row

Even when I had oral surgery during my senior year of high school and ended up with a non-stop bleeding hole in the roof of my mouth, I still managed to get a few meals down.  Food, for me, is one of the greatest things in life.  That’s a little sad, right?  But it’s true.  I’ll never understand those people for whom food is just a means to survive.  For me, it’s so much more than that.

To have not had breakfast, lunch, dinner, breakfast, or lunch all in a row is a kind of torture you can’t full appreciate unless you consider food to be of much more importance than simply sustenance.  And there’s no way I can possibly describe it that would make you (if you don’t already) understand.  So I won’t bother trying. Well, for that reason, and the fact that it’s also a kind of torture to hold my head up for long enough to type this.

You know how people are always throwing around the term “stomach bug” when they have an upset stomach because no one is going to question them about the details?  I hope those people never have to experience a true stomach bug.  This is a kind of illness I would never wish upon anyone, even that doctor who cut open the roof of my mouth in high school.

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