#982: Be scammed by American Airlines

Look, I know there are more important injustices happening to others right now–and always. And I’ll preface this by saying I am lucky enough not to be financially devastated by what I’m about to describe. But not all who experience this type of thing are, and those people may not have the luxury of time to be repeatedly filling in faceless airline comment forms the way I apparently do. So in a way, this is for them.

Of course, it’s mostly for me because the comment forms on the American Airlines website are way too short for me in complaint mode–and any mode.

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#981: Be happy about an animal hole

We had a backyard fence installed two years ago. It was the first project we wanted to do after moving in two years before that, and it was one of the last we were able to finally complete. It was great. Except–it didn’t reach the ground along one entire side, not even close, something about the top looking wrong if they made the slats go all the way to the bottom due to the slope.

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#980: Replace running socks

When I decided to train for a marathon over 10 years ago, the best thing about running long distances was that it gave me an excuse to eat a ton of pasta. The second best thing–once I finally worked up to the long distance–was being able to see cool sunrise and sunset views of the city (which, at the time, was New York). The third best thing was having a reason to buy running gear.

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#979: Get rid of the Kleenex boxes

I can’t make this sound sensible. You’ve been warned.

When I was growing up, my mom would save empty Kleenex boxes with nice designs on them so she could use them again. She’d open them up, transfer the tissues from a different package into the box, then glue it shut. That way, she wouldn’t be stuck displaying a Kleenex box that didn’t go with the décor or was out of season or whatever.

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#976: Stare up at trees for two minutes

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’m doing with my life–more than usual, even. This bout started after reading a social media post that resonated with me, and then, thanks to the algorithm, continued from there. I now keep seeing posts emphasizing the importance of spending your time on this earth in a way that’s meaningful.

But the reason I took the awe quiz was more about my perpetual quest to find “team-builder” activities (read: ice breakers) that I don’t hate.

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#975: Read The Push

When I was in middle school, I wrote something mean to a friend about another peer because they were frustrating me (I didn’t intend for that person to see it, but I also clearly didn’t understand how middle school girls worked, despite being one myself). My mother was furious when she found out, so I wrote her an apology note–I’ve always been better at expressing myself via writing than speaking.

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#974: Order hush puppies

There are foods we just “know,” intrinsically, as a child, we don’t like. Whether it’s because of the texture, the smell, or possibly even the name, we decide we won’t eat them. Depending on our parents and what the food is, we may be forced to at least try the offensive dish, and depending on why we thought it was our enemy, we may change our minds or realize we like it (or find out we like it but stubbornly refuse to admit it).

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#971: Experience the Great Grog Bake Off

I should’ve had a feeling when I first read the description of this competition promising attendees would be “sampling the competing bakes and voting on them live” that the logistics might be hard to handle. I did have a feeling. But my love for the Great British Bake Off and the fact that the event was down the street from my house overcame any reservations about possible organizational challenges.

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#970: Run with feet under hips

It was like when I first swam correctly–it was harder, and more tiring. It was also fascinating because I had, until yesterday, thought I was never going to have a proper running stride (even when I claimed I’d “run right,” it was only based on what a stranger said and not something I was actually doing).

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#969: Try Soho Chicken + Whiskey

Is there a name for the specific type of homesickness that occurs after you’ve already returned home? Like when you’ve just gotten back from a trip during which you had a great time and didn’t necessarily even think about how you were away that much but as soon as you see someone you love you find yourself tearing up with the overwhelming feeling of missing them–despite them being right there in front of you?

Or is this not a thing other people experience?

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#968: Watch Marriage Story

This movie was as frustrating as any horror movie where you want to yell at the characters on screen to “don’t go that way!” or “turn around!” or “be quiet!” Just like in the horror movie, a movie about divorce doesn’t have too many different options for how it might end.

Still–this will be a spoiler, so please do what you need to if you also haven’t seen a very popular film from more than four years ago–

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#966: Watch Carol & the End of the World

Cartoons are not generally my thing. I didn’t grow up watching Saturday morning cartoons (or cartoons at any time of day) and I blame that missing piece of childhood for my lack of interest in this type of show.

Something about this show spoke to me, though, and within the first few minutes I was identifying strongly with the main character.

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