#372: Have a short story published

Disclaimer: this happened in October, but I didn’t know it until yesterday.

I’m not usually good with short.  Short doesn’t fit me or my writing–or, for that matter, thinking–style.  Do I like including lots of descriptive details?  No.  But do I somehow end up including phrases and sentences and entire paragraphs that probably aren’t necessary?  Clearly.

So when I entered a contest to write a story in 150 words, it was a challenge.  When my story got chosen as an editor’s pick, it was a surprise.  And when I received an email offering a discount on the book since my name was in it, it was a shock.

It reminded me of what I always know but sometimes fail to take into account: life is crazy.  You can’t predict from one day to the next–or one second to the next–what is going to happen.  So the best life strategy is to do what you can with the moment you have and wait and see.

And sometimes it turns out that life is both crazy and cool.

6 thoughts on “#372: Have a short story published”

  1. Awesome! I love writing and drawing, but I’ve yet to get anything published (at least that I wanted to, there was a book for school that the american reading co wanted, but still…) Someday though! I shall get one of my books published!!! *fist of determination*

    1. Good luck! I’d like to have a whole book, too–one I realize exists before it’s been out for 3 months. I think determination is an important part of it though, so “someday” is possible for both of us.

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